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Basically the Sonic Movie: The COMPLETE SERIES (Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Animation Parody)
Basically the Sonic the Hedgehog Movie (Sonic Movie ANIMATION Part 1)
Basically the Sonic Movie: End of the Road (Sonic Movie ANIMATION Part 4 FINALE)
Sonic Reacts: Basically the Sonic Movie Complete (Sonic Movie ANIMATION All Parts)
Sonic Trailer but in Animated (Hotdiggedydemon)
Basically Sonic the Hedgehog's Redesign (Sonic Movie ANIMATION) (CREDIT: PatchToons)
Movie Sonic Reacts to Basically The Sonic Movie (The Complete Series)
The Ultimate “Sonic The Hedgehog” Recap Cartoon
Basically Movie Sonic's Escape! (Sonic Movie ANIMATION Part 3)
Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Animation - MOVIE SHENANIGANS! 🦔🌌💨
Basically Movie Sonic's Redesign (Sonic Movie ANIMATION Part 2)
Tails Reacts to Basically the Sonic the Hedgehog Movie